Building each other up


Geography Vision Statement

At St Stephen's, Geography is not just a subject; it is a voyage that carries us from our doorstep to the furthest corners of our Earth. It shapes our pupils into future leaders, empowering them with the curiosity, knowledge, and compassion to become informed global citizens.


In a world increasingly shaped by global dynamics, the role of Geography at St Stephen’s is to mould global citizens capable of navigating complexities with both empathy and understanding. As the curators of tomorrow, our pupils' education spans from the richness of our local community to the global challenges that define our time.


We believe in the transformative power of rich experiences. Whether it's studying the physical geography of our local riverbanks or understanding the diverse cultures that make up our human tapestry, our curriculum is designed to be as immersive as it is educational. It transcends the four walls of our classroom, bursting into life with trips that let our children feel the soil, smell the air, and engage in hands-on learning. These real-world experiences, carefully interwoven from EYFS through to Year 6, serve as a foundation for lifelong curiosity and respect for the Earth and its inhabitants.


Maps are not merely tools in our educational journey; they are gateways to understanding place, time, and interconnectivity. Through resources like Digimaps, pupils don't just locate places; they delve into the complex relationships between natural and human environments.


But what makes a true geographer? It is the relentless pursuit of understanding 'place'—from the home they live in to the world they will inherit. Our pupils delve into their immediate surroundings, understanding its history, its ecology, and its culture, and extend that knowledge to further terrains. Our sequential, interconnected approach ensures that every pupil emerges with a nuanced understanding of how local choices affect global landscapes.


As the caretakers of this Earth and its future, we understand that the choices we make today reverberate into the tomorrow we share. Therefore, our curriculum not only teaches geographical knowledge but also aims to instil a sense of responsibility. The environmental ethics we promote are designed to prepare our pupils for the challenges of sustainability and social justice that lie ahead.


In a world that has never been smaller, yet never so vast, we equip our pupils with the intellectual and ethical tools they need to thrive. At St Stephen's, Geography is not a stepping stone; it’s the path to global citizenship that commits to love, learning, and a responsibility that transcends borders.


As we navigate through these transformative years, we are confident that our geographers, nurtured in the spirit of St Stephen's, will not just inhabit the world—they will enrich it.

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Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.