Building each other up


The school adheres to the guidelines set by the local authority for the administration of medicines.

Prescribed medicines        

The administration of medicines is the responsibility of parents and carers and it is preferable if medicines are prescribed in dose frequencies which enable it to be taken outside of school hours. The school however is prepared to administer them provided the following guidelines are followed:

  1. Children suffering from short-term ailments who are clearly unwell should not be in school and parents will be asked to take them home.
  2. Only medicines prescribed and provided by the parents/carers and accompanied with a parental agreement form will be administered at school.
  3. Over the counter and shop bought medicines should not be brought into school, if a child require's Calpol or Piriton, scholl will administer it's only supply after parental consent is sought.
  4. Medicines must be given personally to a member of the office staff by a parent/carer and not by the child.
  5. Medicine's will only be given that are required 4 times a day or more frequently. (medicines required three times a day will only be administered when the child is due to attend an after school club or Stars)
  6. Parents/Carers are invited to come to school to administer any 3 times a day medicine themselves, the medicine should be kept at home.

Non-prescription medicines (such as Calpol / Piriton)

We only administer our own school bought medicines such as Calpol and Piriton. If you are contacted by school staff and asked if your child can have Calpol or Priton, you will need to complete the parental agreement form. Please note that we are not allowed to administer aspirin or ibuprofen.

Please click here to find the Medication -  Parental Agreement Form that must be filled out before we are able to administer medicine to your child.

Children suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea

If your child is physically sick or has suffered from diarrhoea, they must stay at home and not return until 48 hours after the last episode.  We appreciate your help in this matter. 

Please See our Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy.

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0208 892 3462

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Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.