School Council
Our School Council meets once a month with Ms Douglas to discuss what is happening in our school community and beyond. It comprises of two members from each class between Years Two and Six. The representatives are voted in by their peers and discuss concerns, proposals and ways to improve school life.
The students report back to their class and liaise with the senior leadership team to create change in our school. It enables students to have a voice within the school community. The council is involved in all aspects of school life and makes changes to policies themselves! For example, when the senior leadership team and staff were drawing up a new behaviour policy, they consulted with the school council who had input in the changes that were made and implemented. Giving our children a voice and ownership over aspects of their school life prepares them for their future and imbues them with the belief and knowledge that they can make a difference for the better in our wider community and the world.
So far, in this academic year, we have already raised funds for a number of charities chosen by the children through various non uniform days and activities. We now have a focus on three major points:
- Our environment: making sure that lights are turned off, air-conditioning units are used minimally, keeping our playground free from litter and checking in on our plastic usage.
- Our playground: the time our children are spending in the playground are just as important as their in classroom learning, we are implementing a buddy system so that children feel safe, we have a friendship bench and organise activities such as football, lego and reading shed timetables. We are also coming up with plans to improve the physical environment around us.
- Our wellbeing: We are more than just the school, we are an entire community of people who all want to lift each other up in love and learning! We as a school council have compiled our favourite resources for students and their families to read and use at home and in their daily lives. We looked through these at a council and picked out the very best for our community.
- Parenting with a mental health problem
- Tips for looking after your wellbeing
- Adults can also have 5 trusted adults! The teachers at school are always ready to support anyone who needs it!
- Self care is important! Take time in your day to focus in on yourself and get yourself a treat if you can.
- Smiling Mind is a free meditation and mindfulness app for young people developed by a team of psychologists. Click to download.
- We have our 5 trusted adults that we recap every term.
- All classes have a worry box where we can write notes containing our worries to teachers.
- We have a reading shed for relaxation and a moment to take a breath.
- Zones of regulation charts in class help us display our feelings and help us put words to them.
- The sensory room is a great place to have a movement break
- Youth Helpline: 0330 606 1174 available everyday 10am to 10pm, which is run by trained volunteers. During night hours, a recorded breathing exercise is played which can help you through a panic attack using diaphragmatic breathing.