Building each other up

Summary of Dates for 2024/2025

(Dates are subject to change)

Monday 20th January - Friday 24th January  (AM) Year Six Kamkwamba class - Bikeability 

Monday 20th January - Year Five group swimming starts (Parents / carers of children attending this course have been notified by letter)

Wednesday 22nd January - Reception Trip to The Brooklands Museum

Wednesday 22nd January - Class assembly - Year Two - Earhart

Wednesday 22nd January - Year Six Parents Maths Workshop - 4.45pm

Friday 24th January - Healthy 5 year olds - A talk for Reception and Year 1 parents with Charlie our school nurse - 2:30 pm-3:00 pm - Studio

Monday 27th January - Friday 31st January (AM) Year Six Obama class - Bikeability

Tuesday 28th January - Phonics part 2 workshop online for Reception parents at 5pm.  (See Reception Spring Welcome letter for link)

Thursday 30th January - FOSS Silent Disco Reception 

Friday 31st January - FOSS Silent Disco Year One to Six 

Friday 31st January - 'Let's Talk About Sleep and Wellbeing' session for parents with our school nurse - 9am studio 

Monday 3rd February - FOSS - The Great St Stephen's Bake Off

Tuesday 4th February - Dwarf Sports Association UK Assembly. Wear your favourite sports clothes or PE kit for the day and donate to support this wonderful association. Follow the link to donate - 

Friday 7th February - Class assembly - Year Four - Rashford 

Friday 7th February - Drop in session to meet school nurse for Reception and Year One parents - 9am - studio

Saturday 8th February - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

W/c Monday 10th February - Interfaith Week

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 11th February - Year Four PGL Residential Trip Parent Meeting

Wednesday 12th February - RE Day 

Wednesday 12th February - Class Assembly - Year Two - Yousafzai

Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half term holiday

Saturday 22nd February - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Monday 24th February - Children return to school

Tuesday 25th February - Year Two trip to The National Archives

Friday 28th February - 'Let's Talk About Safer Streets' - PC Amanda Stonehouse will join us for this 'Let's Talk About ...' session. Please come to hear more about supporting your children to understand how to be safe, particularly focussing on the threates of county lines and gangs - 9am.

Tuesday 4th March - Year One Trip to Turner's House 

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 7th March - Year Five trip to The Natural History Museum

Friday 7th March - Red Nose Day - Comic Relief

Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th March - Parent consultations

Friday 7th March - Class assembly - Year One - Curie (tbc) 

Sunday 9th March - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Monday 10th March - Year Six Mock SAT's  weeks 

Thursday 13th - World Poetry Day 

Friday 14th March - FOSS Bounceathon

Friday 14th March - Class assembly - Year Three - Mandela (tbc) 

W/c Monday 17th March - Neurodiversity Week

Friday 21st March - Year Three Trip to Richmond Synagogue

Wednesday 26th March - Easter Service - Year Four Easter Performance - St Stephen's Church - 10 am

Wednesday 2nd April - Richmond Music Trust Singing Festival 

Thursday 3rd April - Term ends 2.15pm

Friday 4th April - Staff Inset Day 

Tuesday 22nd April - Children return to school

Wednesday 30th April - Reception Trip to The Polka Theatre

Wednesday 30th April - Swimming sessions commence - Year Three

Friday 2nd may - FOSS Crazy Hair Day 

Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday 

Friday 9th May - Class assembly - Year One - Pankhurst (tbc)

W/c Monday 12th May - SATS - Year Six

W/c Monday 12th May - Teacher Appreciation Week

Friday 23rd May - Class assembly - Reception - Anning (tbc)

Monday 26th - Friday 30th May - Half term holiday

Monday 2nd June - Children return to school

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th June - KS1 SATS

Friday 6th June - Class assembly - Reception - King class (tbc)

W/c Monday 9th June - Phonics screnning Year Two

W/c Monday 9th June - Safe Walking - Year Three

Wednesday 11th June - KS2 - Sports Day 

Wednesday 11th June - World Environment Day 

W/c Monday 23rd June - Diversity Week - (tbc)

Wednesday 25th June - Bright Sparks Concert - KS2

Tuesday 1st July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Wednesday 2nd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Thursday 3rd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Saturday 5th July - St Margaret's Fair - Moormead

Monday 7th July - Transition morning (tbc)

Wednesday 9th July - Year Six Production (tbc)

Thursday 10th July - Year Six Production (tbc)

Wednesday 16th July - Open Afternoon (tbc)

Wednesday 16h July - Leavers Service - St Stephen's Church - 10am (tbc)

Thursday 17th July - FOSS BBQ (tbc)

Wednesday 23rd July - Term ends 2.15pm



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0208 892 3462

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Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.