Building each other up

Summary of Dates for 2024/2025


(Dates are subject to change)

Tuesday 17th September - International World Peace Day 

Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th September - Year Six Hooke Court

Wednesday 18th September - Curriculum Evening 18.00 - 18.30pm - Reception - Anning classroom (ground floor)

Wednesday 18th September - Curriculum Evening 18.30 - 19.00pm - Year Two - Yousafzai classromm (ground floor)

Wednesday 18th September - Curriculum Evening 19.00 - 19.30pm - Year Four - Rashford classroom (first floor)

Friday 20th September - FOSS Friday cake sales commence

Monday 30th September - Friday 4th October - Scholastic Book Fair 

October - Cultural Awareness Month

Thursday 3rd October - Year Six Junior Citizenship

Wednesday 9th October - Harvest Festival 

Monday 7th October – Year Six Talking Hands Workshop

Monday 14th - Friday 18th October - Anti-Prejudice Week

Friday 18th October - FOSS Favourite Top Day 

Monday 21st October - FOSS Secondhand uniform sale (tbc)

Tuesday 22nd October - Individual school photographs 

Monday 28th October  - Friday 1st November - Half term holiday

Saturday 2nd November - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Monday 4th November - Children return to school

Wednesday 6th November - Year Five to Hamptom Court Palace (tbc)

Thursday 7th November - New parents tours 

Friday 8th November - Class assembly - Year Five - Attenborough

Saturday 9th November - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day Service

W/c Monday 11th November - Anti-bullying week

Tuesday 12th November - Year Two to Gilbert White's House (tbc)

Wednesday 13th November - New parent tours 

Tuesday 19th November - New parent tours 

Sunday 24th November - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Friday 29th November - Class assembly - Year Four - Turing (tbc)

Tuesday 3rd December - Parent consultations - online

Wednesday 4th December - Parent consultations - online

Saturday 7th December - FOSS Christmas Fair 

Wednesday 11th December - Reception Nativity - School Hall - 2.30pm

Thursday 12th December - Reception Nativity - School Hall - 2.30pm

Monday 16th December - FOSS Christmas Market 

Tuesday 17th December - Year Two Christmas Performance - 10am

Wednesday 18th December - Carol Service - St Stephen's Church - 10am

Thursday 19th December - Christmas Lunch/class parties

Friday 20th December - Term ends 2.15pm

Monday 6th January - Staff Inset Day 

Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school

Friday 17th January - Class asembly - Year Six - Kamkwamba (tbc)

W/c Monday 20th January - Year Six Bikeability 

Friday 24th January - Reception - Brooklands Museum (tbc)

Friday 24th January - Class assembly - Year Two - Earhart (tbc)

W/c Monday 27th January - Bikeability Year Six 

Friday 31st January - Class assembly - Year Two - Yousafzai (tbc)

Sunday 2nd February - FOSS Comedy Night (tbc)

Monday 3rd February - FOSS - The Great St Stephen's Bake Off

Friday 7th February - Class assembly - Year Four - Rashford (tbc) 

Saturday 8th February - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 12th February - RE Day 

Monday 17th - Friday 21st February  - Half term holiday

Saturday 22nd February - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser

Monday 24th February - Children return to school

Friday 28th February - Class assembly - Year Three - Thunberg (tbc)

Tuesday 4th March - Year Four - Turner's House (tbc)

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 7th March - Red Nose Day - Comic Relief

Thursday 13th - World Poetry Day 

Friday 14th March - FOSS Bounceathon

Friday 14th March - Class assembly - Year One - Curie (tbc) 

W/c Monday 17th March - Neurodiversity Week

Friday 21st March - Class assembly - Year Three - Mandela (tbc)

Wednesday 26th March - Easter Service - Year Four Easter Performance - St Stephen's Church - 10 am

Thursday 3rd April - Term ends 2.15pm

Friday 4th April - Staff Inset Day 

Tuesday 22nd April - Children return to school

Wednesday 30th April - Swimming sessions commence - Year Three

Friday 2nd may - FOSS Crazy Hair Day 

Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday 

Friday 9th May - Class assembly - Year One - Pankhurst (tbc)

W/c Monday 12th May - SATS - Year Six

W/c Monday 12th May - Teacher Appreciation Week

Friday 23rd May - Class assembly - Reception - Anning (tbc)

Monday 26th - Friday 30th May - Half term holiday

Monday 2nd June - Children return to school

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th June - KS1 SATS

Friday 6th June - Class assembly - Reception - King class (tbc)

W/c Monday 9th June - Phonics screnning Year Two

W/c Monday 9th June - Safe Walking - Year Three

Wednesday 11th June - KS2 - Sports Day 

Wednesday 11th June - World Environment Day 

W/c Monday 23rd June - Diversity Week - (tbc)

Wednesday 25th June - Bright Sparks Concert - KS2

Tuesday 1st July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Wednesday 2nd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Thursday 3rd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)

Monday 7th July - Transition morning (tbc)

Wednesday 9th July - Year Six Production (tbc)

Thursday 10th July - Year Six Production (tbc)

Wednesday 16th July - Open Afternoon (tbc)

Wednesday 16h July - Leavers Service - St Stephen's Church - 10am (tbc)

Thursday 17th July - FOSS BBQ (tbc)

Wednesday 23rd July - Term ends 2.15pm



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0208 892 3462

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Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.